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why we use solar cooker ?

by Vaibhaw Nand

Butterfly Parabolic Cooker

Butterfly Parabolic Cooker

We use solar cooker because it is the cheapest source to cook food.


Thank you Vaibhaw Nand for your thoughts on why you solar cook.

I and my fellow solar cooks also cook for the same reason, because it costs nothing for us to use the free energy of the sun, and I am sure that is a very important reason for you and many other people in India.

We also solar cook because it is effective and it is fun... I enjoy solar cooking almost every day of the year. Well, almost every day...we get cloudy days sometimes.

Thanks for writing and for the great photos.

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Sep 27, 2013
Why I use solar cooking
by: Jim La Joie

I love the gentle cooking, retained moisture, simmered in tenderness, blending of flavors litmus

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