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what solar cookers are better for the summer?

by elisabith
(toronto, canada)

there's a solar cooker for the winter, but what about for the summer? which one is used in the summer more? and why? tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!


Greeting Elisabith,

Thank you for your inquiry about which solar cookers are best for when.

It is true that there are some solar cookers that are better than others for wintertime cooking, but there really is no one particular solar cooker that is exclusively for winter time or summer time cooking.
In general most all solar cookers work better in the summer time due to the position of the sun in the sky, the sun is much higher, or more directly positioned above in the summer time thus creating conditions of longer times of more intense rays from the sun. In the winter time it is the opposite, meaning shorter cooking periods and not so intense UV rays from the sun, making it a bit more challenging to cook in the winter.
But, it is still possible to solar cook very well in the winter time as long as you have your sunny days and you start as early as the day will allow.

I hope this is helpful.


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Dec 10, 2012
I agree with Jim
by: Nathan

Thanks for adding more to these commentaries Jim.

There is so much more I (we) could say about these particular points, but sometimes I just don't have the time to go into detail, so thank you for your help.


Dec 10, 2012
Winter and summer
by: Jim La Joie

And to add to Nathan's point...
Many people think that ambient air temperature will have some effect on cooking speed and ability. Any cooker that has a means of protecting the cookpot from the ambient air will not be effected by summer or winter. Box cookers are insulated, panel cookers use glassware or bags to protect cookpot.
And... just like you can get a bad sunburn from the snow... you can get improved cooking performance from the snow also. Not only do you get direct light, you also get reflected light from the snow. The snow effect is well established in photovoltaic installations. The same will apply to solar cooking. And a good winter cooker will be a good summer cooker, but not necessarily the other way around.
Choose wisely

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