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what does the sun shade screen help in the simple solar cooker

by martina ramdyal
(georgetown,guyana,south america)

the model

the model

This is a parabolic solar cooker. n I used a sun shade screen so I know it is will reflect light, but I want more in depth explanation.


Greetings Martina,

Thank you for sharing your simple solar panel cooker.
It is just like the many solar funnel cookers that many people have had great success using for solar cooking.

I realize you understand that the "shiny panels" capture sun light but, because there is a curve in the reflector panels it is able to concentrate the suns rays which makes it more effective at heating the cooking pot and the food.

The roasting bag, or oven bag traps the heat and causes the temperatures to rise sufficiently to be able to cook.

Here you can read some more about how solar cooking works

Good luck with your solar cooking.


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Mar 17, 2012
thank you
by: martina ramdyal

hey thank you very much nathan for response,it helped a lot. :)

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