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Uv rays

by John
(New Jersey )

Can You use a uv flashlight and the sun to cook food?

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Sep 30, 2021
Misleading page NEW
by: Dave Oxford

This page is a great introduction, but is very misleading - so only 4 stars. UV light makes a very small contribution to power of a solar cooker - less than 3% of the energy used by a solar cooker comes from UV light. The solar spectrum - the light we get from the sun - contains short wave UV light, the visible spectrum (all the rainbow colours that we can see with our eyes) and quite a lot of infra-red light as well (which we can't see) In fact, more than half of the energy absorbed by a dark cooking pot in a solar cooker is from this infra-red light. You will never cook with a UV torch - there are none on sale that provide enough power to raise the temperature of anything into the cooking range.

May 03, 2016
Great idea
by: Anonymous

You must first shine the flashlight on a mirror to intensify the light source. Then stand there with the flashlight in you right hand and wait until your food is cooked. Or just use the microwave

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