by Christa Upton
(South Dakota)
Raw eggs in Hot Pot
Recipe 15 in the Solar Hot Pot
Sunny Side Up Eggs in a Solar Hot Pot
These are “Sunny” Sunny Side Up Eggs. (smile) I thought this would be fun to see how it worked! We got home in time for a late lunch, so the times are weird, but obviously, this is a very easy recipe.
12:40 pm—scant 1 T butter: put in Hot Pot. Cover, set up facing the sun, set timer for 20 minutes. (I might do 30 min. next time to give a hotter start to the eggs.)
1:00 pm—3 eggs: crack into butter. Cover, and watch.
With our partly-cloudy day, these three eggs took about 40 minutes. Look for the whites turning white, but you can also jiggle the Pot a little to check for doneness. If the white part still “jiggles like Jello,” it’s not done yet.
It was so cool to see the egg whites turning creamy, then white, as they cooked! I’m already looking forward to cooking more eggs this way. Amazing—I loved cooking before, but with the Solar Hot Pot, it’s even more fun! It’s watching solar science in action!
After we cooked the eggs, more clouds started coming in. But later on if the clouds clear, we’re going to put leftover fried chicken in to heat for supper.
A couple days ago, we did candied cereal again, followed by refried bean dip again for a picnic with friends. Our friends thought the Hot Pot was neat!
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