Sun Chef Cooker is a parabolic style cooker produced by Ray Williams in Southern Arizona. The company was purchased in the last few years as a total re-build was proposed by Ray. Keep an eye on his website as he makes additions to his offerings and hopes to improve the Sun Chef Cooker with a "next generation" coming soon. Ray also plans to rebuild a number of solar cookers. We are excited for his progress and look forward to seeing good things coming from him in the coming years! |
This Solar Parabolic Cooker is a medium quality, medium output parabolic solar cooker that should give years of effective and energy saving grilling, boiling, frying and all around good solar cooking enjoyment.
The Sun Chef Cooker is manufactured using high quality, durable, rugged and weather resistant materials allowing for many years of productive use.
Type: Parabolic or Concentrator
Size and dimensions:
A-(Diameter)across the dish:
Three feet six inches- 3'6"
Focal length: 7 inches (bottom of dish to pot receptacle)
Assembled Height 57" Width 52"
Cooking Tray area: 11 ½” x 11 ½”
Weight: 23 lbs.
Materials: The following materials are used to make a Sun Power Cooker:
Avg: cooking temp 450-650 F. (Solar Burner 850-900 F.)
High Temp: 650 degrees Fahrenheit
Special Features: Wide Tripod Adjustable Base: Allowing for more level and secure setup.
360øFully axis rotational parabola.
Availability: The Sun Chef Cooker is assembled in the United States and can be shipped to most locations within the US. The Sun Chef Solar Cooker is currently out of production as Ray Williams is planning to fix a number of issues with the cooker when he introduces his new Generation II Solar Chef Parabolic.
Pros and Cons:
Cantina West offers the only protection available on the market today with our military strength protective cover!
Make sure to add a cover to your cart when purchasing any of the parabolic solar cookers we offer and keep your parabolic in top shape for years to come. This cover is made of 500 Denier military fabric and manufactured right here in the USA from start to finish!
Customer submitted photos of the Sun Chef in action!
Also See our latest parabolic cooker, the SolSource from One Earth Designs, this one is a beauty...
We are one of many sellers of Solar Ovens and cookers on the market, so we promise to do our best to provide world class customer service as well as offer our 100% fully backed product guarantee included with all solar cookers offered on our site.
You can try the cookers for 30 days and if you are not satisfied we will credit your purchase price back toward the purchase of another cooker. Some restrictions apply. See full product guarantee for more information.
* Return Restrictions are as follows but not limited to:
+No refunds or returns will be given in the case of abuse,neglect and deliberate destruction of said solar cooker, accessories or packaging in question.
++If a solar cooker arrives damaged upon receipt; within 7 days of shipping, then Cantinawest will send replacement parts/new oven at no cost to you.
+++Buyer pays return shipping cost on non manufacture warranty product returns.
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A decent oven.
I got my introduction to parabolics with the solar burner--which is aptly named--it's a fantastic solar cooker and can achieve the highest temperature …
Eng. Maan Kaadan (Solar Parabolics)
Dear Sir and Madam
i have working on solar cookers since 1995, i have tried to use the dish of the satellite with 1.2 m diameter, it was very good but …
Eng. Maan Kaadan Solar Parabolic
I have tried and manufactured many types of parabolic solar cookers and the most effective one is the deep focus with 160 cm diameter, and made of fiber …
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