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Solar Cooking Books

We have dedicated this site page to information on, and access to, some of the best solar cooking books, along with other resources having to do with the art.

Despite the immense and abundant amounts of knowledge that the Internet offers us at the click of a mouse, there are many people that still like to have a source of information that they can hold onto, look at, touch, and browse through at their own leisure and their own pleasure.

Books will always have a special place in many people's hearts and lives, and we also know that they will never become obsolete or insignificant, despite the opinions of the naysayers to the contrary.

A book can be carried and used wherever you need it, and utilized under all circumstances, even when there may be no electricity to give you light…or even to boot up the computer.  Therefore, we offer the following books for your reading enjoyment.

We hope you will find the resources available to be of significant use.

Cooking With Sunshine by Lorraine Anderson

Here we have one of the better overall books on the subject of Solar Cooking available on the market. Besides great recipes it also contains information and instruction on how to build at least two types of home made solar cookers. The Author, Lorraine Anderson is an advocate and promoter of the art of solar cooking as well as an environmental advocate. This book can be purchased through Amazon.

Solar Cooking for Home and Camp by Linda Frederick Yaffe

This book would be the third book in this series of Solar cooking books that I would recommend for the serious solar cooker. Linda Frederick Yaffe is author of Backpack Gourmet, High Trail Cookery, and The Well-Organized Camper. She lives in Auburn, California.

Eleanor's Solar Cooking by Eleanor Shimeall

A 93-page book containing more traditional American dishes. Includes a section on canning in a solar box cooker. As of May 2018 it could be purchased here.

Heaven Sent Food Cook Book


A specialty cookbook featuring 40 of sun ovens favorite recipes, techniques, and tricks of the trade to inspire your taste buds as you focus the sun on these delicious meals. It can be purchased along with the All American Sun Oven by Sun Oven here.

Heaven Sent Food Cook Book

The Solar Chef: A Southwestern Recipe Book for Solar Cooking by Solar Ranch

The Solar Chef contains detailed instructions on using sunlight to create delicious meals from quiche to dessert, there are over 90 recipes including snacks, casseroles, soups, and main courses.

Heaven Sent Food Cook Book

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