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Solar Oven Sun Trackers

by James Simmons
(Boise, Idaho)

I love my global sun oven, of the biggest issues I have is with adjusting the position every half hour to hour or so for optimal cooking. (Not lazy, just forgetful) Tilt is usually not an issue, but rotation is. When you are trying to sneak in that last few minutes of cooking before a rain shower time really matters.

If I asked for a show of hands on who has similar concerns I think there would be quite a few.

Seems like all you need are one or two small solar panels, a rechargeable battery, and a DC motor coupled to a low friction rotating platform of sorts. I've seen lots of homemade models and demos on YouTube, but never any kind of low cost kit with all the parts.

Has anyone had success building or finding a sun tracking device for their ovens? If not I guess I have a project for this summer.


You are correct in your observations about solar cooker tracking devices. Lots of them on Youtube.
And we have been approached by lots of people with their own versions and ideas as well, but no one has come up with a practical, feasible and economical tracking device in kit for for the consumer.
Many have said they were going to do this, but so far we have not seen any come to fruition.

Definitely would be a worthwhile project for your summer hobby ;)


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Apr 11, 2014
I agree with Greg
by: Jim La Joie

Absolutely correct. Your cooker does not have to be in perfect alignment all the time. You will get plenty of good heat with most box cookers using the 15 degrees ahead or behind the sun. I even stretch it to 22 degrees each way. Depends on how tight the focus of your cooker is. But you should be able to go at least two hours without refocusing

Apr 11, 2014
Rotating your solar oven
by: Cal Griggs

I have two solar box cookers very similar to the Sun Oven and rotating them and getting the correct angle is sometimes a drag. I found that mounting my cookers on office chair bases works just fine, Office chairs have a tilting mechanism to raise or lower the cooker and they also rotate very easily. Plus they are very stable and have the rollers for moving them.
Since the earth rotates at about 15 degrees an hour, I will usually set it about 15 degrees ahead and this works well so you only have to check the cooker/sun angle about every two hours.

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