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Solar Cooking in Jakarta

(Jakarta, Indonesia)

Hi. I am a student in Jakarta and I have to make a solar cooker for a project. I would like to know which solar cooker design is best suited for this tropical region :-)


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Jan 09, 2012
The Author of Solar Question's Comment
by: Alexandriya

Hi Luther. Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate your help :-)

Jan 05, 2012
Solar Cooking in Jakarta
by: Luther Krueger-Minneapolis

You are in a good spot for cooking with just about any cooker. Here in Minnesota, USA, 45 degrees latitude, and with very fickle weather, we never know how much "sun time" we'll get on any given day!

You are closer to the equator, so you'll get more power from the sun since it's more directly overhead so less of the rays are filtered by the earth's atmosphere. You could set out a panel cooker or box oven and maybe not need reflectors like we do further north. I think in the end it just depends on what you want to cook. It's easy to bake bread and cakes and slow cook many dishes with a box cooker. For frying, nothing beats a parabolic due to the very concentrated, high heat. I use a wok on the parabolic cookers I have with great success. Also, if you want to boil a lot of soup for a family gathering, a parabolic is the way to go as you can bring a lot of water to a boil more quickly with a parabolic.

All that said, I'd recommend trying all three types of cookers--borrow the kinds you don't have to test them with your favorite recipes. If you have a "sunny season" and a "rainy season" naturally you'll get more cooking time during the sunny times; if you get some sunny day times during the rainy season, a parabolic is probably good insurance that you'll be able to cook for a shorter period of time but with a lot of power.

Hope that helps!


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