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solar cooker project making

by oyshee sarkar
(kolkata, west bengal)

how can i make solar cooker with waste materials?


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Dec 17, 2010
See What Others are Doing
by: Anonymous

Besides taking an inventory of the type of reflectors, insulation, cooking vessels, recipes and other materials you have available to you in your helps to see what others have invented.

Even if you only have cardboard and aluminum foil, with the right combination of angles, you can trap a lot of heat if you have the right cooking vessel. You may start out with a panel cooker, and then work your way up to Sun oven. Good luck.

Dec 17, 2010
Solar Cooker making with waste materials
by: Luther Krueger-Minneapolis

Hi Oyshee!

Good question! From my readings on the topic all over the web, I gather that many cookers have been made with used/waste materials:

* Rags, used carpet, discarded wool and recycled fiberglass has been used to insulate the cook box areas of the cookers (it takes a few clicks but you can find some of this on I once saved up a lot of cardboard boxes that I would otherwise have recycled, glued the cardboard sides together into 1 inch thick panels, then cut them to fit as a cookbox for the Halacy-style box cooker (see their book "Cooking with the Sun" for the design, it is also posted on-line in a few places).

* Printing press plates are used by the Sunstove group in South Africa to form the outer shell and inner cook box of their model of cooker (see as well as the above materials for insulation

* Probably the most popular thing that people recycle as a cooker these days are the satellite tv network dishes you see mounted on houses & apartment buildings, with some aluminum foil or aluminized Mylar applied to the dish and the right rigging to hold the pot in the right place, you get a powerful parabolic cooker from the dish.

* Right now a project of mine--a through-the-wall cooker in the south wall of our garage-- is going to use recycled mirrors that I have picked up in our alley

These are just a few things off the top of my head, I'd bet if you "google" solar cooking you'll find many other ideas. Good luck with your cooker project! --Luther

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