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Sharing the Solar Oven

by Mary Beth

When you get married you have to learn to share. You share a house, desserts at restaurants, pool towels, etc. Now that we are doing so much solar cooking, I have to add solar cooker to the list.

Today, my husband wanted to cook a chicken and make chicken broth (he’s GAPS, so no vegan fare for him). It’s simple enough to do – just put a whole chicken in water with whatever spices you like and leave it to cook, covered, for a few hours. The problem, though, with sharing something like this is that it means that someone doesn’t get to bake. By the time we have preheated the oven and the cookware and then finished cooking the chicken, it is too late to cook much of anything else.

Oh well. Better luck tomorrow. Maybe what we really need to consider is a second oven?

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Jun 05, 2014
Starting early
by: Jim La Joie

Hi Mary Beth,
I cook a lot of chicken and never use water. The water just adds thermal mass and adds time to the cooking. I put a whole chicken in a 3 quart pot. The chicken is rubbed inside and under the skin with a paste of olive oil, crushed garlic, fresh lime juice, salt and pepper.
When done, the bird will be nearly floating in its own broth. It will be falling-off-the-bone tender and moist.
Before you buy a second oven, take a look at designs that allow you to start cooking as soon as the sun is up and require no preheating.

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