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Old satellite dish and solar panel cookers.

by Charlie Little
(Mansfield, Arkansas)

I found this old dish at the city recycle area and converted it to a cooker by first sanding it smooth and covering with 2" strips of reflective vinyl covering ordered from this site, Solar Cooker at Cantinawest. I then formed a copper plate and attached it to the receiver bracket in order to get even heat distribution for the pot/pan.

The panel cookers are Solar Cooker at's reflective vinyl attached to plastic sheet material. Doing experiments with different liquids in the pictures but a black painted glass jar will cook pinto beans in 4-5 hours.


Greetings Charlie,

Thank you very much for sharing your great looking solar cookers. And even a small parabolic at that.

That is a great use for the reflecive vinyl. I was wondering what you would do with all of it.

I really like how your panel cookers look, they have a distinctive appearance.

I presume this is just some of a few more solar cookers that you may be building over time?

I hope this can inspire others to give homemeade solar cooker building a try as well.


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Yes Nathan!
by: Charlie Little

I really like the Reflective Vinyl and am now working on a larger square parabolic cooker, building it from scratch.

Even the small parabolic in the picture produces alot of heat so I can't imagine yet what a 4' square parabolic is going to generate. Guess we will see! My neighbors are amazed at my success with the small cookers.

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