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Mounting a heavy solar oven

by Dana
(Saint Cloud, FL)

Our homemade solar oven has been experimental all the way--a real learning experience!

Because we made it out of plywood, and made it way bigger than we would have if we were starting over again (2'x2'x2'), it is VERY heavy. Adjusting and angling it with the movement of the sun was quite a challenge at first. At some point my husband remembered that a friend had passed on a pull-behind bike trailer. We weren't using it for its intended purpose, so my husband decided to mount the solar oven on the base of the trailer. There were still many improvements to go, but that definitely made a significant difference in being able to move and adjust the solar oven as the sun moves across the sky.


Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences with regards to your ongoing solar cooker "evolution". We definitely learn through trial and error and our unique experiences. This is great for other people to read as they contemplate and implement their own solar cooker designs.

Good insight.


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May 08, 2012
Mountings for a heavy solar oven
by: Cal Griggs-Shawn Lu's Arizona Solar Cookers

I have made several heavy solar ovens and found that a base from an old office chair works wonders. Because the backs are adjustable as to the angle you need this helps in your sun aiming. Also these things come with castors so rolling the beast around works fine. These old office chairs can be purchased at many garage sales for under a couple of dollars, in fact I have never paid more than a dollar for the ones I have purchased. The more tattered they are, the cheaper you can get them.

Good luck
Cal Griggs
Shawn Lu's Arizona Solar Cookers
"Using the sun today for a better tomorrow"

May 06, 2012
Size of a Solar Oven
by: Light Dancing

A 2 ft.x 2ft. square oven is not at all excessive. What may create problems for you, however, is the depth of the oven. That IS excessive, due only to the fact that it takes more time to heat up a solar oven with that much volume. If you build another one - or further modify this one - may I suggest making it shallower. Use thinner plywood and more paint and insulation as well as high temperature silicone calk for a seal that is more durable. The best plans I have ever seen for a homemade solar oven are from The Center For Sustainable Living. Their wall oven plans are very detailed and equally as useful for a "portable/non attached ovens as well. These have been imitated internationally with excellent results. Put this in your Navigation/Address Bar:

B Kerr solar oven

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