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how to make the best solar cooker in the class?

by Sarah

I am in grade 10 science and I have a project to make a solar cooker that will heat up at least 10 degrees when tested; the more degrees the more bonus marks. We will be testing our cookers on May 6th, 2011. Any suggestions?


Greetings Sarah,

Thank you for visiting our site and for your solar cooking inquiry.

How does attaining 250-350 degrees Fahrenheit sound for a solar cooker?

I can show you a really great solar panel cooker that will give great cooking results, not only for your science project, but for years afterward.
You can use this solar cooker for cooking all kinds of food pretty much all year round.

I have a good friend from San Diego who has developed a great solar cooker model that will do just the job. The solar cooker is known as the All Season Solar Cooker and you can find some more information and the designers comments about the solar cooker over on his own site, All Season Solar Cooker

If you take the time and give the effort to make this cooker you will surely be pleased with the results.

Good luck with your project.


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Panel Cookers

   All Season Cooker 

   Sunflair Cooker

Box Cookers

   All American Cooker

Parabolic Cooker

   Solar Burner

Evacuated Cookers

   GoSun Stove

   GoSun Go


   Protective Covers

 Discontinued Cookers

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