What I like and dislike about my Hot Pot Solar Panel Cooker.
...Do these things make the Hot Pot the best solar oven?
tips and ideas on how to get the most out of your solar cooker
I will say though that panel cookers work great pretty much all the rest of the year.
With that being said, I do like my Hot Pot...very much and will be able to get many years of solar cooking use from it.
*Read about a South Dakota Solar Chef who cooks all kinds of foods with her Hot Pots
I have heard very good things about your solar cooker.
I have a few questions, though I don’t know if you can answer.... If it helps, we live in the Black Hills, altitude around 3,000 to 4,000. On a sunny day, can you estimate how long it would take to heat a can of beans in the “hot pot”? How about a large “stew” with canned veggies, cooked meat, etc? How about on a cloudy day?
Can we use other containers inside the pot, like even heating something in its original can (to save washing because we will have little water)?
Does it come with directions on how to cook in it (especially breads and more unusual things)?
After ordering, can you estimate how long it will take to get here?
Thanks! Christa Upton
Custer, SD
Greeting Steve and Christa,
Answer to
your last question first.
Order and delivery time for a Hot Pot to South Dakota would take about 3-5 days
at the most.
With a Hot Pot solar cooker you can cook dry beans, cook roasts, chickens,
veggies of all kinds, rice and pasta and even do some baking.
I use one of my Hot Pots (which I keep in my car) to cook and heat up leftovers
of stew, chili, tacos, casseroles, Pizza, frozen Burritos, pot pies and such
for my lunches almost every day (sunny days of course)
The time required to heat things up is not too much.
Most things are heated up in an hour or less depending on how much food I am
Yes, you can place the can of beans, soup or stew inside of the solar oven and warm it up in the can if you wish, no problem.
cloudy days you will not be able to solar cook with the Hot Pot, or any solar
oven, but days with high thin clouds you can cook, I just would not recommend
doing raw meats and such on “high-thin-cloudy” days since it would be more
difficult without ideal, sunny conditions. But, heating up already cooked foods
is easy on such days.
Wintertime can be a little bit more challenging due to the very low angle of
the sun, but even in the winter you can still solar cook if you have sun.
Spring, summer, and fall the Hot Pot does really well, but in the winter it can
be a bit slower.
I do use my Hot Pots in winter, but will usually use the ovens (and parabolic
cookers) more in the winter.
The Hot
Pot can bake, but your ovens are better and more conducive to baking and you
can find all the instruction and help you want on our website, beyond the very
basic instruction that comes with your solar cooker.
An oven would give you a bit more of an advantage in the winter due to the
greater insulation that most box style solar ovens have over panel style
You should have no problems getting a solar oven up to 350 F. in North or South Dakota, even on a cold winter day.
We had our coldest winter in the last forty years here, -5 below, which is unusual for our area, and the day after the (unusual snow storm) I had my three Sun Ovens out cooking without a problem.
You just need a nice sunny day. (even high thin cloudy days you can cook many items)
We have customers all over the New England States and Canada that solar cook in the winter on the sunny days they do have.
If you have not already seen our pages, you might find these helpful:
Also check out our Facebook page for lots of winter, and year round, solar
cooking posts etc.
Throughout our website you will find lots of helpful information and shared
stories from people all over who solar
cook at all times of the year in all kinds of places around the world.
I hope this is helpful, and if you need to know any more, just let me know.
Nathan Parry
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