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Beer Bread Round 2

by BC
(St. Louis, MO)

Beer Bread in the Sun Oven

Beer Bread in the Sun Oven

I tried my hand (again) at making beer bread, and this time I watched it carefully and removed it from the solar cooker after about an hour and fifteen minutes. After pouring my butter/garlic mixture over it, I let it rest a moment before I tried the first bite. WOW! Let me tell you…that was awesome bread! Crusty around the edges, moist and smooshy inside, a big smear of butter on top...It was so yum, my mouth is watering right now just remembering its deliciousness!

I was surprised about how little time it took to bake this bread. I had thought that foods would take a lot longer in the solar cooker, but that is proving to not be the case. I would say I only left this bread in for about 20 to 30 minutes longer than usual, and it was perfect! (But I like my bread a little wetter than most.) On one hand, this is exciting news—that I don’t need to leave foods in there all day to have them cooked through. On the other hand, I had thought the solar cooker was more like a slow cooker, but it’s not really that either, and sometimes I’ve left foods in too long (as with the first loaf of bread), and then they were not as good. Really, the solar cooker is the perfect blend of oven and slow cooker!!!

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Aug 24, 2014
Bread vanished!
by: BC

The bread lasted barely one meal! I think I maybe got one slice as a leftover for breakfast!

Sorry about the picture orientation above...I have no idea how that happened! It was oriented properly for me on my computer.

Aug 24, 2014
Congrats on your bread
by: Jim La Joie

Great report. The only question is... how long did that loaf last? Mine are often gone within the hour. Soooo good.
Your GSO distributes heat evenly and is a great bread maker. Glad to hear your second try worked so well.

Aug 23, 2014
Great solar cooking job!
by: Nathan

This is great BC, glad to hear you are doing better with your solar cooker.
There is a slight learning curve to cooking with a solar oven, but it is not much, and once you get familiar with your cooker and its abilities you will find that there is almost nothing you cannot cook with it.

I'm glad you are having fun with it.

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