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Are there any ideas in investigation projects about solar cookers?

by Bernice

I'm a highschool student and I was required to comply a science investigation project. Since we already have a parabolic solar cooker, my teacher told me that she would suggest me having an investigation project about solar cookers. Any ideas?


Greetings Bernice,
Thank you for visiting our solar cooking site and for your inquiry.
It's nice to know that even in the Philippines we are being found on the internet.

I would first of all suggest for your project you write about the basic principles of solar cooking, how it works, why do it etc.Solar Cooking How it works
why solar cook

Also I would also suggest maybe even trying to make your own simple solar panel or solar box style cooker to use along with your parabolic cooker.building a solar cooker

It always is more impressive when the people and judges can see the cookers in action, especially the parabolic.Solar Cooking Videos

And I would suggest showing how solar cookers have become more common and even popular in many countries, but even more so, how important they have become for many people in poorer countries where solar cookers are even saving lives, conserving fuel, helping the environment and improving the health of the people and at the same time helping them financially. Solar Cooking Initiatives

I hope this information is helpful.

Also, if there are any others out there who would like to suggest more to Bernice, we invite you to do so.

Good luck,


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Jul 04, 2011
Try this idea of mine
by: Anonymous

I haven't made one yet but I just thought of it. I thought that it is best to place all reflective components at the bottom . Try to cut into as many small independent units that all point toward one hot spot above where there is a metal plate for placing your pot or pan on. The sun is high up in the sky for the most part of the day so it is logical to place all reflective units on the bottom with each tilted toward the metal plate . Try 16 units by 16 units with a square doughnut hole 4 by 4 units in the center for the shadow of the metal plate that will cast a shadow over. The key is concentration. Each bottom unit can be about two by two inch square or circle of mirror or foil on wood . The trick is to be able to adjust each unit and keep it there. It can be adjusting screws, rubber necks, flexible hoses, springs, foam with beaded strings as adjusters. It is going to be a very tedious project considering the many units involved. 16 by 16 unit would mean about three foot by three foot square with 8 inch square doughnut hole in the center. The metal plate should be about three foot above the bottom reflector or more This will work best during the high sun hours not morning sun or setting sun. only the sun up there above our heads.

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