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All Season Solar Cooker

by Jim La Joie
(Bonsall, California)

Cooker in Various Postitions-Photo by Gabe Miller

Cooker in Various Postitions-Photo by Gabe Miller

I own the All Season Solar Cooker because I invented it.

I have been solar cooking for over 30 years.

Because I camp I was looking for a portable cooker that was simple, foldable, and effective.
My larger wood and glass cookers were too hard to transport.
So I built the All Season Solar Cooker - It is unique in that it can accurately focus on any solar elevation without the use of gimbals or racks. The video on the website explains it all.
The ASSC is not available for sale... However, you can download the plans and instructions for free and build your own from easily obtained materials.

This cooker is a panel cooker, but, unlike other panel cookers, can focus on the at any possible solar elevation. From horizon to overhead.
The advantage of the ASSC is that you can cook effectively very early in the morning and also late in the afternoon. All Season Solar Cooker


Thank you very much Jim,
This information and this cooker will be very much appreciated by our site visitors.
It looks like a very nice, well built cooker, yet practical in its design.

I'm sure many will find this cooker very attractive as a part of their solar oven/cooker repertoire.


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Hi Please i need the plans for the ASSC. Where can i have it? Thanks

Disapointed no plans NEW
by: Anonymous

Still no comment on where these free plans are.

Are the plans still available?

ASSC Plans
by: Todd

Are the plans still available for free download.
I had them but can't free them now. Trying to do a project with grand kids. ty

Building the ASSC

I am looking for the instructions and diagrams to build one of these, but all of the links don't work any more. I live in an off-grid area where folks are living on SDI or SSI or nothing. It would be of tremendous help if we could get these plans. Thanks for looking.

plans for the All Season Solar Cooker still available for download?
by: Michael

Are the plans for the All Season Solar Cooker still available for download? Where?

Help with the ASSC
by: Jim La Joie

Hi Dale,

Thanks for your question. I am very glad to help.
There should be no reason for the variations in performance.
Lets go over the basics.
1. Collection of light. The ASSC is designed to collect the light any time of day, any day of the year, as long as the sun is shining. The sunsight is a critical part of this. If your sunsight does not have the required 60 degree groove in it (table saw set at 30 degrees) then it will not properly focus on the sun. Also, the finished dimensions of your cooker should be ABOUT 25 inches from upper to lower reflector and ABOUT 22 inches from side to side reflector. If your cooker does not measure in this range... fold all the folds firmly and flex them several times. New cookers always need some break in to achieve the proper form.
2. Absorption - turning light into heat. You MUST use a dark colored pot. Flat black is best. If the inside of the pot is shiny, then a dark lid is also required. If the inside of the pot is black, then a glass lid will also work. I almost always cook with a dark lid and get great results.
3. Retention - Now that you have a hot cooking vessel, you must retain the heat. The videos show how to do this. Glass bowls or oven bags. I recently read that double oven bags work even better but have not tried this yet.
4. Duration. You need enough time for the recipe to cook. The ASSC has the advantage of giving you that time because it can continue to collect usable heat all the way from sunrise to sunset.
Please go over these points, send me a photo of your cooker and of the sunsight.

Not having much luck
by: Anonymous

I built my own assc from the instructions and diagram given (thanks for those!). I had a friend make a sun sight for me.

Sometimes the cooker works and sometimes it doesn't. Today it was 95 in the shade, full sun, and only a sight breeze. Two hours after putting my small one-serving brownie batter into the cooker, it still was liquid. I kept turning the cooker. Nothing worked. Had to throw the brownie batter away.

Sometimes I can bake frozen cookie dough into well done cookies in just over an hour and with the temperature only in the 70s.

What am I doing wrong?? So frustrating!

by: Stephen Davis

Thanks to the recent elections, I obtained two 4x8' political signs and made four ASSCs. Jim La Joies' diagram and build instructions were easy to understand and apply. I am currently cooking an acorn squash, red potato, onion, yam, and half an apple, RIGHT NOW, while at the public library! Not getting much work done, the questions are endless!

All Season Solar Cooker is Great
by: Bill G

I downloaded the plans for the All Season Solar Cooker. I then used the plans to build one to see how it compares to other solar cookers that I have built. I have to say that it is now my solar cooker of choice and I use it just about every sunny day to cook chicken, fish, beans, veges, eggs and heating water for tea. Many thanks to Jim for providing the information needed for construction. I made another one and offered it as a door prize at a Slow Food pot luck that I attended recently. It was a big hit.

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