All Season Solar Cooker
by Jim La Joie
(Bonsall, California)
Cooker in Various Postitions-Photo by Gabe Miller
I own the All Season Solar Cooker because I invented it.
I have been solar cooking for over 30 years.
Because I camp I was looking for a portable cooker that was simple, foldable, and effective.
My larger wood and glass cookers were too hard to transport.
So I built the All Season Solar Cooker - It is unique in that it can accurately focus on any solar elevation without the use of gimbals or racks. The video on the website explains it all.
The ASSC is not available for sale... However, you can download the plans and instructions for free and build your own from easily obtained materials.
This cooker is a panel cooker, but, unlike other panel cookers, can focus on the at any possible solar elevation. From horizon to overhead.
The advantage of the ASSC is that you can cook effectively very early in the morning and also late in the afternoon. All Season Solar Cooker
Thank you very much Jim,
This information and this cooker will be very much appreciated by our site visitors.
It looks like a very nice, well built cooker, yet practical in its design.
I'm sure many will find this cooker very attractive as a part of their solar oven/cooker repertoire.